Local Community Organizations ... (and when they meet!)

Angels in Action - 1st Wednesday, 5 pm

CABMA, Coldspring Area Business & Merchants Association

Coldspring Garden Club - 1st Thursday, Sept thru May,  at Coldspring Community Center

Coldspring Quilts For Kids - 2nd Tuesday, 10 am, at Red Barn Retreat in Coldspring - Visit on Facebook:  Coldspring Quilts For Kids

Coldspring / Oakhurst Education Foundation

Coldspring Chamber of Commerce - Visit website:  www.ColdspringTexas.org 

Greater Shepherd Chamber of Commerce, 4th Monday at 5:30 pm - Visit website:  www.GreaterShepherdChamberofCommerce.org

San Jacinto County Historical Commission

San Jacinto County Republican Club

San Jacinto County Democratic Club

San Jacinto County Master Gardeners

Women's League of San Jacinto County - 2nd Thursday, 11:30 am, Sept thru May,  at Coldspring Community Center

If you see your organization on this list, check information for accuracy and please email changes. 
Also feel free to send us your organization's meeting information.  If you would like to have a Contact person & phone, please send us that information : hapyartist@aol.com (Subject: SJCBB)


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