Welcome Newcomers!
If you are new to our area, we can give you some information that will help you get settled:
In an emergency ALWAYS dial 911
Cable & Internet Provider: Eastex Telephone (now has Fiber Optic Cable)
Election Office: 936.653.5804
Electric Power: Sam Houston Electric Co-op, 936.653.5400
Head Start - Click here for recruitment information
Internet Provider: Eastex Telephone
Library: 936.653.3104 Coldspring
Motor Vehicles: 936.653.2311
Newspapers: San Jacinto News Times, 936.653.2225
Phone: Eastex Telephone, 800.732.7839
Post Office: 936.653.2223
School District: COCISD, 936.653.1115
Senior Citizens: 936.653.4175
Trash Compactor: Coldspring, 936.653.2509
Water Company: San Jacinto Special Utility District, 936.653.4384
Cable & Internet Provider: Eastex Telephone
Trash Compactor: 936.377.2481
Point Blank:
Cable & Internet Provider: Eastex Telephone
City of Point Blank - 936.377.2899
City of Shepherd: 936.628.3305
Cable & Internet Provider: Eastex Telephone
Electric Power: Entergy 800.368.3749
Sam Houston Electric Co-op 936.653.5400
Library: 936.628.3515
Post Office: 936.628.6922
School District: 936.628.3396
Senior Citizens:
Trash Compactor: 936.628.3267
Note: We strive for accuracy while depending on others for input!